did you know PLC more chip if you make by self...??
yes you just make minimum system for chip that you have, this is list chip that recomend for this project.
- PIC16F877
- PIC16F628
- PIC16F876 (untested)
- PIC16F88 (untested)
- PIC16F819 (untested)
- PIC16F887 (untested)
- PIC16F886 (untested)
- ATmega128
- ATmega64
- ATmega162 (untested)
- ATmega32 (untested)
- ATmega16 (untested)
- ATmega8 (untested)
this software using LDmicro to draw tha ladder language that usualy to explain logic from human to machine,or if you have built in machine you can modify using our PLC diy,you can save more money 😆
-open the sooftware
click instruction for more instruction you want but if you only in simple language you can use this instruction:
- Xname -- tied to an input pin on the microcontroller
- Yname -- tied to an output pin on the microcontroller
- Rname -- `internal relay': a bit in memory
- Tname -- a timer; turn-on delay, turn-off delay, or retentive
- Cname -- a counter, either count-up or count-down
- Aname -- an integer read from an A/D converter
- name -- a general-purpose (integer) variable